my Logo Mark
Today I introduce about My symbol mark.
This symbol express the origin of my first name Kanji
(Chinese Charactor) and the meaning.
It is composed of “S”, “T”, and “○”.
S.T is my Initials.
My first name is So(想).
The origin of 想 is bellow.
One man sees greenish tree and the power of his heart is activated.
Then, the power reaches to someone living far away.
And the feeling becomes OMOIYARI(想いやり).
It is difficult to express the meaning.
It may be near the word “Consideration to others”,
but it’s not have the unique subtle nuance.
Anyway character style “T” means Tree,
and “S’’ means subject, that is, it’s me.
And two circle included in “S” expresses two my eyes,
watch the tree.
OMOIYARI is derived from my soul,
so it is expressed by big yellow circle.
Needless to say, it is is indispensable to create some product.
I want to unite mind and mind all over the world
with my design products.
It’s my goal.
2010/05/25 (Tue.) Trackback() Comment(0) Design Training
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