Now, I'm Involved in "Stylization" as design training.
Stylization is like below.
Looking at some structural item (in my case, a model of Bumblebee, Transformer), and draw it directly on a paper by design-stroke.
(Design-stroke is the drawing way that goes forward 1 step
and back a half, and repeat it.)
This training is so difficult for me.
There are 3 points why I feel so.
First of all, you have to draw curves & short lines
with watching the motif BY DESIGN-STROKE.
You are ordered to control pen movement at will.
Second, you are not accepted to underwrite by pencil.
If you line slightly into wrong direction only one time,
the paper becomes failure.
And third, you must watch both detail and whole figure.
It would be conflicting to do so at the same time.
I must make 100 works.
As I just start the training,
I can’t imagine I could do that at pleasure.
But the important thing is never giving up.
I’ll keep Stylization.
2010/05/21 (Fri.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
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