Bugatti Veyron (ブガッティ ヴェイロン) [About His Speed]
At former article's, I wrote about Veyron's engine.
And last of all, I write about his speed.
His maximum speed is surprisingly 431.07 km/h.
But when you merely push the accelerator,
the speed doesn't become top speed.
You must push a speed key "Second Ignition" to unlock limiter of 375 km/h.
The purpose is to change the setting into high speed mode.
The minimum ground clearance is changed to 60mm
(Usually you can change to120, 80, and 60mm).
And an angle of his rear wing to the horizontal is modified into 2 degrees.
If not so, his speed really doesn't become max.
In this setting, the time of 0-300 km/h is only 16.7s.
(In addition, 0-100 km/h is 2.6s.)
At the peed greater than that, barrier of the air interferes with him,
so till 0-400km/h, it costs him 11.5 km of straight distance.
And a stopping distance is 500 m.
In addition,
his transmission is 7-speed DSG sequential, 2 pedal, no clutch.
So a driver with the Japanese license of AT can also drive by the car.
2011/09/26 (Mon.) Trackback() Comment(0) Cars
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