My School Route's Landmark
In class “Progressive Inclusive Design”, I made a presentation about my school route’s landmark.
My Professor intended to teach us the significant of concept thinking process by the assignment.
The process is following that
1. Think about what is needed and compose of some parts.
(corresponding to thinking 5 landmarks)
2. Think about the order or flow of these parts.
(corresponding to how do I go from home to school)
That is, it turns thinking into charts.
My assignment is bellow.
First of all, green bar indicates the slope of my town.
The reason why the color is green is that my town name is “Green Hill”.
1st upper landmark is the bell of one college.
When the bell rung, I went out my home.
2nd upper is the swing in a park near my home.
I got together there to go to my school in a group.
3rd is candy.
It indicates the mom-and-pop candy store I often visited there.
4th is crepe.
It is a restaurant we could take out crepes.
The crepe is so delicious, but now the restaurant ceases operations.
5th is red road.
If I passed through the road, I could cut off the corner to my school.
I hope everyone can see what these icons mean at glance.
2010/06/07 (Mon.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
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