Now, I'm Involved in "Stylization" as design training.
Stylization is like below.
Looking at some structural item (in my case, a model of Bumblebee, Transformer), and draw it directly on a paper by design-stroke.
(Design-stroke is the drawing way that goes forward 1 step
and back a half, and repeat it.)
This training is so difficult for me.
There are 3 points why I feel so.
First of all, you have to draw curves & short lines
with watching the motif BY DESIGN-STROKE.
You are ordered to control pen movement at will.
Second, you are not accepted to underwrite by pencil.
If you line slightly into wrong direction only one time,
the paper becomes failure.
And third, you must watch both detail and whole figure.
It would be conflicting to do so at the same time.
I must make 100 works.
As I just start the training,
I can’t imagine I could do that at pleasure.
But the important thing is never giving up.
I’ll keep Stylization.
2010/05/21 (Fri.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Problem Consciousness
“The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein
From entering university to now,
I have often felt that most Japanese young people
(especially, 20-30 years old) don’t ask themselves questions.
That is, they have become peace stupors and stop considering.
They don’t consider nothing without entering large corporations
and getting a lot of money.
They are fundamentally selfish and passive for their society.
I think about 90% of my acquaintances in university
are such people.
I understand the way of life is very easy.
But it’s too boring.
I don’t want to live like that.
Always having questions, having social problem consciousness
is certainly not so easy, instead, it might be sometime painful.
But I believe it would be broaden my horizon
and my life would be full of thriller.
I want to live like this.
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true
art and true science.
Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder,
no longer marvel, is as good as dead.”
Albert Einstein
2010/05/20 (Thu.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Quantity before Quality
Recently, I read a book By Ken Mogi.
The title is "Read, Listen, Write, and Speak.
The tips of Brain Application".
I don't know whether he is a true brain scientist,
but it is no doubt his advice in the book are highly suggestive.
Also, I like his TV program
"Professional 仕事の流儀-Shigito no Ryugi-"
broadcasted by NHK.
(but, to be honest, I prefer the program
“Passion Continent [情熱大陸-Jyounetu Tairiku-] ”
rather than that. )
There are lots of advice in his book.
And what I’m impressed most is the very simple principle
“To be good at writing, you must write as much as you can ” .
It is convincing because of his work.
And the phrase is applicable to all things.
To do high quality work, I must fulfill a lot of quantity.
To do so, I may understand the way of high quality.
2010/05/19 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) Design Training
Authentic & No.1
One and a half months has passed since I entered
"Progressive Inclusive Design Laboratory".
Now, I have to reconsider for my future.
Fisrstly, I wanna accomplish what only I can do.
But still, I cannot master even needed fundamental things.
Time flees away without delay.
So, I keenly sense that I must prepare myself for future
and do ten times more than I usually do.
I must have a "mission(使命)" to Japan, and world by "design".
And to do that, I must have a sheer desire to be "No.1".
2010/05/18 (Tue.) Trackback() Comment(0) Life
The Beauty of Ukiyoe (Landscape)
The other day, I wrote an blog about Ukiyoe" 東都名所 両国之宵月".
I said the elements of the beauty in the work are
"Boldness(大胆)", "Berlian Blue(藍色)", and "Twilight(黄昏)".
if applying the elements to the world of Ukiyoe(in Landscape),
I restate them "Composition(構図)", "Color(色彩)",
and "Moment(瞬間)".
The former two, "Composition" and "Color" are fandamental elements.They decide the impression of the work.
And the latter, "Moment" is a superior element.
It decide the whole value.
We Japanese have found the beauty
said "もののあはれ" and "をかし" in a moment or
a chage of time since early times.
How the moment is drew is up to his competence of the author
of the work. In this point, Utagawa Hiroshige is a specialist.
Thus, I think these three elements consist of
the beauty of Landscape Ukiyoe.
2010/05/14 (Fri.) Trackback() Comment(0) Ukiyoe