Evening Moon at Ryogoku (東都名所 両国之宵月)
When I was a elementary school student, my teacher told my
class to make a wood block print in an art class.
So I saw a book of Ukiyoe works and found one work by
Hiroshige Utagawa (歌川広重).
The title is "Evening Moon at Ryogoku(東都名所 両国之宵月)"
It attractecd me so much.
Then, I thought why I had a good bive to it and what is Beauty of
I conclude the elements of reason why I love it are
"Boldness(大胆さ)","Berlin Blue(藍色)", and "Twilight(黄昏)".
First, Hiroshige put a bridge at the foreside of landscape and
the point of view is under the brildge. It's a rare case and gives
perspective to the works. It connects to "Boldness".
Second, he used a "Berlin Blue" to draw a twilight sky and
a water surface of the river. As a Whole, the impression of
the work is melancholy, but the color of itself is fine.
And third, he chosed time of "Twilight".
That is, we observers feel stream of time,
the treasure in the momnet.
This is the reason why I love it.
2010/05/12 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) Ukiyoe
God of Dragon(龍神)
People would imagine a crane or yacht when they hear "Origami".
You, too?
But it's OUT OF DATE.
Now, Origami means "Complexity".
When you see "龍神(God of Dragon) ",
you would immediately realize what I say.
It's unbelievable...
It's not a sculpture but ORIGAMI
and maybe world's most complecated work of origami.
It's not used any cuts and a number of paper.
1 paper 2 meters squared.
If not dead link, you can see the its process.
Ryujin(龍神) is made by 神谷哲史(Satosi Kamiya),
who is Origami creater.
It cost him more than 1 month to create Ryujin.
He says "If I make process-drafts it wuold be more than 500
sheets, and it needs about 10 years to compleate them,
judjing from my today drawing pace."
So he is the only person who can folds it.
I think there must be a lot of other amasing works .
I feel the potentiality of Origami when I see Ryujin.
It may be applicable to another feelds.
2010/05/01 (Sat.) Trackback() Comment(2) Origami
Spread of Origami
In Muromachi Era (14th century),
Shougun 'Yoshimitsu Ashikaga' ordered the Ises(伊勢家)
to pursuit the etiquette of the samurai classes.
The Ises made many kinds of etiquette, and proposed
"a method of wraping gift items" as one of them.
The concept of the method was protecting gifts frrom foulness
of sender or evil spirit. It calls "Orikata(折形)" now,
and "Noshi" and "Choshi Kazari" are one of them.
Time passed, and the manner faded into the wallpaper.
In Edo era, Production volumes of paper increased,
and it became widely used.
People began to enjoy folding it freely,
and it was called "Origami".
In 1797, the world's oldest handbook of origami titled
"Hiden senbazuru orikata (秘傅千羽鶴折形)" was published .
In Meiji, Origami was also embedded in the preschool education
curriculum, and it more and more widely spreaded around Japan.
2010/04/29 (Thu.) Trackback() Comment(0) Origami
Purpose of Paper (in Heian, Kamakura Era)
At first, paper was used to copy buddhidt sutra.
In Heian Era, aristcrats began to fold, cut, and tie it
for the tool of ornaments at rituals or festivals.
they were also hang up on how beautiflul they could
wrap gifts in it and many rules or styles were made.
Still now, we can see them in "Noshi" or "Choshi Kazari"
2010/04/24 (Sat.) Trackback() Comment(0) Origami
Arrival of Paper(紙の伝来)
In 1st century, paper-making method was invented in China.
And after 6 centuries (in Nara Era), it came down to Japan.
The reason is that Buddhist monks intended to spread
their thought around Japan.
Now, the oldest printed material in the world is "百万塔陀羅尼
(Print set in a figurine of castle)".
2010/04/21 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) Origami