【警鐘】Summer Cold (夏風邪)
I cought a summer cold and now, I'm so exhausted.
Please wait a moment to write in English.
2010/08/17 (Tue.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
The Brain of Bilingual (バイリンガルの脳)
I wonder that How the brain of bilinguals (multilingual) is
composed, so in today’s article, I talk about
the difference between monolingual and bilingual.
First, verbal activity consists of various areas.
The typical areas are called “Broca’s area” and
“Wernicke’s area” .
Broca’s area is an expressive language area, that is,
this area is responsible for “linguistic output”.
Wernicke’s area is an Receptive language area, that is,
this area is responsible for “linguistic input(comprehension)”.
These areas compose the network in each other, and build up
the sophisticated linguistic functions.
Let’s focus on the main subject.
In each area, one linguistic activated part is occur in
different one. But Beginners tend to use same part,
and that becomes the cause of non fluent speaking.
In contrast, The bilingual, especially people who got another
language under five-yea-old use completely another part.
So bilingual naturally uses two languages,
and doesn’t feel he or she changes the SWITCH.
2010/08/11 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Nowadays, I feel a sense of summer season.
Even if it is early morning, once getting out of a building,
humid & piercing hot air hits me.
I often get fed up with it ...
But in summer, we can also many good sense of summer.
The typical one is “Japanese fireworks” , I think.
Especially, I love inexpressible atmosphere, such as many illuminated branch shops, beautiful Yukatas(Japanese summer kimono), and the bigger and bigger blast sound as I approach to the site. If I express, it”s a mixed feel of relax and athrill.
Japanese fireworks has 2 characters.
1. Shot into vertical direction (Warrior fireworks)
2. Three dimensional beauty, and colors (Merchant fireworks)
Warrior fireworks is evolved from signal flare in a war.
And, Japanese have seen fireworks from both sides of a rever.
So fireworks merchants had to be aware of three dimensional beauty.
And best of all I saw in my life,
I love Miyajima(宮島) Underwater Fireworks Festival.
Most of fireworks in Japan are launched upward in a vertical direction as I mentioned,
But the fireworks is thrown into sea water, and exploded under the sea.
So you can see large, powerful, and hemispherical fireworks.
You'll get overwhelmed the punch, and can see the beautiful shrine gate silhouette.
I recommend you to see it once in your lifetime.
2010/08/05 (Thu.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Idea supersedes technique
About one month ago, I recommended DVDs called
“The Techniques of Syd Mead” to Osaka University Library,
and that was accepted.
So I and every student in Osaka Univ. can lend them in near future.
Previously, I read Syd Mead’s interview about Concept Design.
In the article, he said about drawing ability.
He depicts the hardware both visually and verbally.
You cannot know whether it is good or bad until you draw.
So Being able to draw is very important.
However, Idea supersedes technique every time.
If you have a really lousy idea and lots of expensive equipment,
you end up with a very expensive, lousy idea.
In the end, the most important thing is “Imagination and Creativity”.
In addition, I didn’t know he conceptually designed turn A Gumdam.
2010/07/30 (Fri.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Perfume dances are so pleasant.
Now I’ll stop and think why they are.
The reason is in the next three points.
1. Look and feel
2. The balance of Harmony and Personality
3. Center of Embodiment and abstract
・Look and feel
Every dance units coolosity or cuteness.
MIKIKO, a Choreo-Director of Perfume says that she intends
their choreograph would be perfect for a picture.
・The balance of Harmony and Personality
Their movements are so beautiful as a whole,
and at the same time, each of them equally shines out.
・Center of Embodiment and abstract
In the nature of thing, dance is abstract.
But their choreographs are associative movements,
so you can enjoy what each of them means.
In addition, their movements are a little bit complicated.
Each movement in itself are complicated.
Also, it’s comparatively speedy.
And sometimes, they count their movement out of
music rhythm a little.
These suitable complexities rather than attract people.
That is why I love it.
2010/07/17 (Sat.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択