Japanese Laputa
If you don’t know the building, you are NOT Japanese.
And many tourists visiting Japan know it.
Needless to say, this is Kiyomizu Temple (清水寺) .
The building looks like Laputa(Castle in the sky),
don’t you?
This temple was firstly built in 778.
It was sometimes burned out and rebuilt in 1633
by third tycoon “Yoshimitsu Tokugawa (徳川義光)”.
From then, it continues to this day to be retained.
It is built at steep slope of Higashiyama(東山)
and the building method is called Kakezukuri(懸造り).
This makes the building look like Laputa.
The posts and joists are regid-jointed with each other
by wedge, and consist of large framework like bent.
To be surprised, it is used “No nail” and be supported
by only 139 posts.
2010/09/23 (Thu.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Stationmaster Tama(たま駅長)
The other day, I went to Kishi station of Wakayama Dentetu.
In this station, one cat is working as a stationmaster.
Her name is "Tama".
Her main task is attracting guests.
Her payment is yearly cat food.
At the beginning of this month(2010.8.4),
rebuilding of this station was completed.
The whole image has changed so smart.
But I feel the previous station is more agreeable than the new one.The previous station was typical Japanese country station,
so it's a pitty that the old syle station was disappeared.
By the way,
it is said that Tama's economic ripple effect is no fewer than
1.1 billion yen for 1 year.
There were so many visitors in the station and
they waited for taking her pictures.
She was in the room separated from guests by glass walls.
She looked so exhausted as she is 11 years old.
She is so elder.
I think it's no problem with visiting this station,
but how many people visiting here can imagine more than
300,000 cats and dogs are killed
in Japanese public health centers for 1 year.
If you cannot imagine realistically,
I recommend you to watch the feature segment.
I felt it's exactly like a holocaust in concentration camp.
I want you to think those who throw away pet animals
are overwhelmingly "CRIMINAL".
2010/08/18 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
【警鐘】Summer Cold (夏風邪)
I cought a summer cold and now, I'm so exhausted.
Please wait a moment to write in English.
2010/08/17 (Tue.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
The Brain of Bilingual (バイリンガルの脳)
I wonder that How the brain of bilinguals (multilingual) is
composed, so in today’s article, I talk about
the difference between monolingual and bilingual.
First, verbal activity consists of various areas.
The typical areas are called “Broca’s area” and
“Wernicke’s area” .
Broca’s area is an expressive language area, that is,
this area is responsible for “linguistic output”.
Wernicke’s area is an Receptive language area, that is,
this area is responsible for “linguistic input(comprehension)”.
These areas compose the network in each other, and build up
the sophisticated linguistic functions.
Let’s focus on the main subject.
In each area, one linguistic activated part is occur in
different one. But Beginners tend to use same part,
and that becomes the cause of non fluent speaking.
In contrast, The bilingual, especially people who got another
language under five-yea-old use completely another part.
So bilingual naturally uses two languages,
and doesn’t feel he or she changes the SWITCH.
2010/08/11 (Wed.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択
Nowadays, I feel a sense of summer season.
Even if it is early morning, once getting out of a building,
humid & piercing hot air hits me.
I often get fed up with it ...
But in summer, we can also many good sense of summer.
The typical one is “Japanese fireworks” , I think.
Especially, I love inexpressible atmosphere, such as many illuminated branch shops, beautiful Yukatas(Japanese summer kimono), and the bigger and bigger blast sound as I approach to the site. If I express, it”s a mixed feel of relax and athrill.
Japanese fireworks has 2 characters.
1. Shot into vertical direction (Warrior fireworks)
2. Three dimensional beauty, and colors (Merchant fireworks)
Warrior fireworks is evolved from signal flare in a war.
And, Japanese have seen fireworks from both sides of a rever.
So fireworks merchants had to be aware of three dimensional beauty.
And best of all I saw in my life,
I love Miyajima(宮島) Underwater Fireworks Festival.
Most of fireworks in Japan are launched upward in a vertical direction as I mentioned,
But the fireworks is thrown into sea water, and exploded under the sea.
So you can see large, powerful, and hemispherical fireworks.
You'll get overwhelmed the punch, and can see the beautiful shrine gate silhouette.
I recommend you to see it once in your lifetime.
2010/08/05 (Thu.) Trackback() Comment(0) 未選択